& the Untied Kingdom


Todd's main musical vehicle is Analog Moon. Founded while living in Columbia in 2005, Analog Moon was reformed with new members in Asheville when Todd moved there in 2008.

For more information on Analog Moon, including song downloads, tour dates, news, and merchandise, visit their website at AnalogMoon.com.

Analog Moon - Soda City (2010) (britton)
Analog Moon - Timmy's Got A Grudge (2007) (britton)
Analog Moon - Pawtucket (2005) (britton/meyer)

Todd also performs solo or duo stripped down sets on occasion, usually accompanying himself on acoustic guitar with or without another musician on another instrument. Most of Todd's songs are written and demoed in this fashion. He frequently collaborates on song composition and performances. Below are some demos recorded either solo or with friends.

Todd Britton and Jeff Kozelski - November Brain (2011) (britton/kozelski)
Todd Britton and Jeff Kozelski - Imaginary Friend (2011) (britton/kozelski)
Todd Britton and Ryan Monroe - Riverbanks Who (2008) (britton/monroe)
Todd Britton and Ryan Monroe - Bronze Age (2007) (britton/monroe)
Todd Britton and Will Meyer - Pawtucket (2004) (britton/meyer)
Todd Britton - Ash and Sand (2003) (britton/meyer)

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Ryan Monroe’s Pangroid Band: January 26, 2007 (Photos)

For a couple of years, I played in a rad band with Ryan Monroe, Jeff Kozelski, and Larry Gornto.  Ryan wrote most of the material, although Jeff and I kicked in some ideas from time to time.  It was a great situation for me, as I was also doing the Analog Moon thing, and it was fun to be in a position to concentrate solely on my own parts.  The songs were incredible, too.  The band name came from Read the rest of this entry »

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